Latest Video Lectures of CS Executive Both Groups All Subjects Combo by CA Devendra Vyas, CA Jinesh Shah, Prof Rahul Malkan and and CS Riddhi Ganatra (New course) along with the study material.
CS Executive Both Groups All Subjects Combo by CA Devendra Vyas, CA Jinesh Shah, Prof Rahul Malkan and CS Riddhi Ganatra (New course)
1. JIGL – CA Jinesh Shah
2. Company Law and Practice – CS Riddhi Ganatra
3. Setting up Business, Industrial and Labour Laws – CA Jinesh Shah
4. Corporate Accounting and Financial Management – CA Jinesh Shah and Prof Rahul Malkan
5. Capital Market and Securities Laws – CA Devendra Vyas
6. Economic, Commercial and Intellectual Property Laws – CS Riddhi Ganatra
7. Tax Laws and Practice – Direct & Indirect tax – CA Devendra Vyas

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